Professional Indemnity Ready to Serve Best Professional Indemnity Insurance
Professional indemnity insurance, often referred to as professional liability insurance or PI insurance, covers legal costs and expenses incurred in your defence, as well as any damages or costs that may be awarded, if you are alleged to have provided inadequate advice, services or designs that cause your client to lose money..
Professional Indemnity Guaranteed Professional Security
Professional indemnity (PI) insurance is a commercial policy designed to protect business owners, freelancers and the self-employed if clients claim a service is inadequate. Any organization which provides a professional service or gives advice could be sued if the recipient is unhappy with their work. For a patient, his doctor is someone who promises good health by putting him on the right fitness condition when an emergency lands.
Unfortunately, human error cannot be eliminated and doctors are exposed to the risk of claims from clients who have suffered loss due to neglect, error or omission.

Insurance Category - Direct Insurance Broker (Life and General) | Validity- June 29, 2024 to June 28, 2027 | Copyright 2024 Trustlink Insurance Brokers. All Rights Reserved.